Thursday, March 3, 2016


     As you may have guessed by the name of this blog, I am going to be reliving some of the best sandwich experiences of my life one post at a time. I realize that sometimes the memory of a sandwich is far greater than the actual experience, but I will do my best to paint a nice picture with each new entry. There will be some details missing. There will be several instances of extreme hyperbole. There will also be colorful language, context, and above


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the name of the blog, this seems like it will be a great adventure in sandwiches. Excited to read more about it.

  3. Hey we have something in common, I too like sandwiches

  4. My favorite sandwich...can't wait to taste one!

    Professor Ventura

  5. I have deleted my first comment because I wasn't going to look like a stalker by commenting a second time, it was inevitable. It would have been terrible. I believe you will be capable to make the best out of this website, it's just plausible (I don't even know how to use that word. Horrible!).
    Incredible work you have done here! It is ALMOST unbelievable.

    Ok. I'm done.
